What’s Happening In Our Schools?

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;

Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;

Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! [Is. 5:20]

In 2020, at the height of the Covid Lockdown and accompanying school closures, one of my granddaughters received a sketch from an online-teacher. It had nothing to do with the subject matter. Rather, it was an expression of the instructors own sexual perversion. What was the picture? It was a pencil sketch depicting a demon-like character: Horns, pointed ears, forked tail, bat wings, and goat-hooves. That was not the most disturbing part. The character also had large female breasts and notable male genitalia: part demon, part woman, part man! Clearly, the teacher was grooming his students.

This was immediately reported to school authorities, who expressed their chagrin, but did little to address this possibly illegal behavior. In the conversation that followed, the administrator made some troubling admissions: 1) They had no way of monitoring what teachers were doing online; 2) they made no commitments to discipline, censure or dismiss the teacher; 3) the teacher was an openly gay, LGBTQ activist. The decision was made to withdraw my granddaughter from the school and enroll her in an online curriculum where such intrusions would be less likely.

Was this a one-off? Or did it reflect an agenda that had been percolating beneath the surface of academia for some time, to bend young minds into accepting the LGBTQ narrative?

The answer came recently in a directive issued by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Washington. The directive sent only to teachers & administrators outlines mandated policies for addressing student claims of trans-identity. The directive begins with a "feel-good" letter from one school superintendent, outlining her personal process of being educated in the struggles of transgender students, and suggested a model for helping a trans identifying student re-enter the educational system under a new gender identity.

Toni was assigned male at birth, but her parents were considering letting her start school as a girl, which is how she had been identifying for
some time. Toni eventually transitioned to living openly and authentically as a girl in second grade.

ni" is 7 years of age. As a former 7-year-old, I'm certain his sexual dysmorphia didn't arise all on its own. He got a lot of "adult" help in forming a distorted view of "his" sexuality. There is nothing authentic about a boy pretending to be a girl.

The document went on to inform teachers & administrators, (not parents), that future policy would adhere to the following mandatory redefinitions of reality:

The expression of transgender identity, or any other form of
gender- expansive behavior, is a healthy, appropriate, and typical aspect of human development.  A gender-expansive student should never be asked, encouraged, or required to affirm a gender identity or to express their gender in a manner that is not consistent with their self- identification or expression. Any such attempts or requests are unethical and will likely cause significant emotional harm. It is irrelevant whether a person’s objection to a student’s identity or expression is based on sincerely held religious beliefs.

The document goes on to define (redefine) terms like "sex" and "gender":

  1. Assigned Sex. The sex a person was given at birth, usually based on their external and internal anatomy. Historically viewed as a binary (i.e., either male or female). ["Sex" is not "assigned," it' identified based on biological reality and scientific fact, not self-identification.]

  2. Gender. The complex interrelationship between a person’s body, internal identity, and external expression. [Actually, the term, until recently, meant either of the two sexes, male and female."]

  3. Gender expression. The external ways a person communicates their gender to others— through their behavior, mannerisms, emotions, style of dress, hairstyle, interests, choice of colors, toys, or activities, etc. ["Expressions" are thoughts & feelings, not factual realities.]

  4. Gender identity. A person’s innate sense of being female, male, nonbinary, genderfluid, or something else. ["Sense" used in this context refers to a "feeling." Feelings are not facts; and they can be false.]

  5. Sexual orientation. Who a person is emotionally, physically, and/or romantically attracted to (e.g., gay, straight, lesbian, queer, bisexual, asexual, etc.). [They will not say it, but it also includes pedophilia and other forms perverse sexual attraction.]

It then goes on to provide examples of what gender discrimination looks like:

  • Repeatedly misgendering a nonbinary student after being notified of their requested pronouns and gender marker. [Refusing to pretend a boy is a girl or vice versa.]

  • Requiring a transgender boy [self-identified] to use the single-stall restroom in the nurse’s office instead of the multi-stall boys’ restroom. [Or how about a pedophile using the girls restroom?]

  • Refusing to allow a girl [biological boy] to compete on a girls’ athletic team because she is transgender. [Why is it always boys who want to compete against girls, and not the other way around?]

  • Failing to properly investigate and address verbal reports that one student is bullying another for “dressing like a boy.” [Investigate here-say, rumors, anonymous accusations? What qualifies a teacher to engage in this kid of investigation, and how does one defend oneself against false accusation? This opens a huge can of worms.]

By these definitions, gender feelings replace any other basis for evaluating a person's sexual identity, as if feelings determine reality. These people seriously want us to view them as "educators?" This is not education, this is social engineering that seeks to replace parents as the primary educators of children, with employees of the State.

The directive further informs teachers and administrators that... "In Washington, the right to be treated consistent with one’s gender identity at school belongs to the student, not to the parent/guardian... all students have the legal right to access and use sex-separated school facilities, like restrooms and locker rooms, that align with their gender identity.... [schools] must allow all students to participate in the physical education and interscholastic athletics opportunities that correspond to their gender identity... [they] must treat all students consistent with their gender identity when making rooming assignments for school-related overnight trips."

Lastly, the state intends to enforce these new rules through the creation of a compliance coordinator. Teachers will be disciplined if they... "repeatedly fail to use a transgender student’s requested name, pronouns, or gender marker (i.e., misgendering). Doing so can constitute unlawful discrimination under Washington law.

In 2016, only 1/2 of one percent of Americans identified as "trans." Seven years later, that number has jumped to 5%; a 1000% increase. Even more surprising, currently nearly 20% of 13-17-year-olds identify as trans or non-binary. Is this the result of some dramatic, earth-shattering shift in the biology of humanity, or a dramatic shift in the promotion of sexual ideation?

Such a shift is what one would expect when the government, media, medicine, military, entertainment, and schools spend the past decade making it their mission to "normalize" and legitimize the LGBTQ lifestyle. They are not trying to help and heal those who struggle with sexual dysmorphia or disorientation. They are trying to convert the rest of us to accept this fabrication, intentionally excluding parents from the process.

Why are they doing this? Most supporters of this fiction fit into Lenin's category of "useful idiots." They follow every fad or "idle notion" that is current and cool. Yet, behind the facade of social justice and sexual freedom are some intentionally diabolical actors. One of the fundamental goals of Marxist revolutionaries is the destruction of faith and the family. They seek to replace both with the power of the State. Why? So, the State becomes both God & parent, and we are reduced to nothing more than a number.

Italy's newly elected prime minister, Giorgi Meloni, whom CNN called a fascist because of her successful campaign slogan, God, Family & Country, hit the nail on the head. The family is the primary threat to these people:

Why is the family an enemy?... Because it defines us. It is our identity... and everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to have ... an identity no longer so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity. I can't define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother ... No. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number, because when I am a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators: the perfect consumer. That’s the reason why.

What these professional miscreants know is that our children are the future. If they can take control of our children and turn them against our values, in the ensuing chaos and confusion, like the Bolsheviks of old, they can seize control the nation. That's why they are coming after your kids! Make no mistake, there is nothing good or noble in what they are doing! These are evil people!

Yet, there is an even deeper source of this twisted ideology, as was indicated in the perverse sketch sent to my granddaughter. Paul referred to it as "doctrines of demons." As Christians we need to begin identifying these "lifestyle choices" arguments for what they really are: Lies spewing from the deepest, deadliest, most demonic domains of hell. They are damnable heresies.

Now is not the time to be silent, passive, accommodating or compliant. God promises, that if we do not pray, speak up, and do whatever we can to stop this evil, He will:

All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations—a people who continually provoke me to my very face... Such people are smoke in my nostrils... I will not keep silent but will pay back in full; I will pay it back into their laps— both your sins and the sins of your fathers... full payment for their deeds.” [Is 65:1-7]

“All that needs to be done for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”

[Edmund Burke]

What the Bible says about LGBTQism, in case you were wondering: Genesis 1:27; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; Deuteronomy 22:5. Jesus, God Incarnate, Creator of the Universe and everything in it, only recognized two genders: male & female. [Matthew 19:5]


Resist the Narrative


"Cowardly Pastors"